Join the club
I am interested, what do I do next ?
Before you can shoot you must complete a beginners course, where you will be taught how to shoot - and to shoot safely by our club coaches. All equipment will be provided.
The beginners course is normally run over six weekly sessions. Once you have completed the course you can join the Club, where you will continue to receive guidance from the coaches.
What does it cost ?
The beginners course costs: £55 per person (£30 juniors)
When you join the Club, Club fees are £144 per year (or £96 per year for Juniors) which works out as £12.00 per month for adults or £8.00 per month for Juniors, payable by standing order directly into the club account. These membership subscriptions go towards the upkeep, and use of the facilities.
In addition to this, an affiliation fee to ArcheryGB, our national body, is due in September of each year. This pays for, amongst other things, your shooting insurance and is currently £52 for an adult, cheaper for a Junior.
Club sessions are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings from 7.00pm and Sunday morning from 10.30am. Wednesday evening focuses more on our Junior members, but all members are welcome.
Send an email enquiry
Established archers applying for membership should contact the Club Secretary